
Lesson 1: Friendly Faces and Positive Spaces (45 Minutes)

3. Activity: Movement Game (15 Minutes)

  • Create a simple obstacle course in the classroom using safe zones (e.g., mats or cones). Students move through the course, practising “safe” choices like walking carefully, balancing, moving without bumping into others, etc.

Guided Inquiry Suggestions:

  1. “What should we do if someone runs in front of us?”
  2. “Was this a safe or unsafe way to move?”
  3. “What does being safe mean while walking?”

Skills Checklist for Gross Motor skills:

  1. Coordination: Can the student move smoothly through the course?
  2. Body Control: Do they stop, turn, and walk safely as directed?
  3. Spatial Awareness: Do they avoid bumping into objects or peers?
  4. Engagement: Are they following safety instructions while participating?