
Lesson 1: Friendly Faces and Positive Spaces (45 Minutes)

4b. Advanced Level Roleplay (10 Minutes)

Greetings and Self-Expression

  1. Greetings: Expand conversations.
    • Example 1: “Hi, how are you today?”
      • Answer: “I’m fine. How are you?”
    • Example 2: “Hello! What’s your favorite game?”
      • Answer: “That’s a great game! I like ___.”
  2. Self-expression: More detailed scenarios.
    • Example 1: “What do you do if someone accidentally bumps into you?”
      • Answer: “I can say, ‘It’s okay, let’s be careful.’”
    • Example 2: “What do you do if two people want the same seat?”
      • Answer: “We can take turns or ask a teacher for help.”